פרופ' מוטי שניידר

שם:פרופ' מוטי שניידר
מחלקה:ביה״ס מערכות מידע, ביה"ס למדעי המחשב והמתמטיקה
דוא"ל:[email protected]

1980-1982 Florida State University, USA Computer Science B.Sc
1982-1984 Florida State University, USA Computer Science M.Sc
1984-1986 Florida State University, USA Computer Science Ph.D
Title of Master’s Thesis:` Fuzzy Learning Process for the Kalman Filter
Title of Doctoral Dissertation: COFESS – Cooperative Fuzzy Expert Systems

1.    M. Schneider, A. Kandel
       Cooperating Fuzzy Expert Systems – Their Design and Applications in Intelligent Recognition
       Germany, Verlag TUV Rheinland, 1988
2.    M. Schneider, A. Kandel, G. Langholz, G. Chew
       Fuzzy Expert Systems Tools
       England, Wiley, 1997
1. Special Issue of Fuzzy Sets and Systems on Fuzzy Modeling and Dynamics (with H.-N. Teodorescu and A. Kandel), Vol. 106, No. 1, August 1999.
1.         M. Schneider, A. Kandel
The Use of Fuzzy Expected Intervals in Expert Systems
The International Magazine for Expert Systems, Vol.1, No.2, 1988 (pp.169-186)
2.         M. Schneider, A. Kandel
Properties of the Fuzzy Expected Value and the Fuzzy Expected Interval
International Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.26, 1988 (pp.373-385)
3.         M. Schneider, A. Kandel
Properties of the Fuzzy Expected Value and the Fuzzy Expected Interval in Fuzzy Environment
International Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.28, 1988 (pp.55-68)
4.         M. Friedman, M. Schneider, A. Kandel
The Use of Weighted Fuzzy Expected Value (WFEV) in Fuzzy Expert Systems
International Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.31, 1989 (pp.37-45)
5.         M. Schneider, E. Shnaider, A. Kandel
Applications of the Negation Operator in Fuzzy Production Rules
International Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.34, 1990 (pp.293-299)
6.         M. Schneider
The Weighted Fuzzy Expected Interval
International Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.37, 1990 (pp.215-223)
7.         M. Schneider, M. Craig
On the Use  of Fuzzy Sets in Histogram Equalization
International Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.45, 1991 (pp.271-278)
8.         M. Schneider, H. Lim, W. Shoaff
On the Utilization of Fuzzy Sets in the Recognition of Imperfect Strings
International Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.49, 1992 (pp.331-338)
9.         H. Lim, M. Schneider
A Skill Refinement Learning Model for Prioritized Rule-Based Expert System
International Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1992
10.     D. Wagman, M. Schneider, E. Shnaider
On the Use of Interval Mathematics in Fuzzy Expert Systems
International Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1993
11.     M. Schneider, A. Kandel
On the Uncertainty Management in Fuzzy Inference Procedures
Information Sciences, Soft-Computing,
Vol. 79, pp. 181-190, 1994.
12.     M. Schneider, A. Kandel
Expectations in Fuzzy Environments
Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems, Vol.3, 1993 (pp.76-89)
13.     G. Chew, M. Schneider, A. Kandel, G. Langholz
Incorporating Membership Functions and Certainty Factors in Fuzzy Expert Systems
Journal of Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 1994 (pp.213-222)
14.     M. Inui, W. Shoaff, L. Fausett, M. Schneider
The Recognition of Imperfect Strings Generated by Fuzzy Context Sensitive Grammars
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1994 (pp.21-29)
15.     S. Thiebaux, J. Hertzberg, W. Shoaff, M. Schneider
A Stochastic Model of Actions and Plans for Anytime Planning Under Uncertainty
International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 1994
16.     M. Schneider, E. Shnaider
Planning, Organization and Economics of Manufacturing with the Help of Flexible
Manufacturing Systems (FMS)
Mechanical Engineer, Israel, 1994 (pp.31-40)
17.     E.L. McDuffie, M. Schneider, F.B. Buoni, E. Shnaider, M. Schneider, L.A. Martin-Vega
Using Scheduling in Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Engng. Applic. Artif. Intell., Vol.8, No.6, 1995 (pp.681-688)
18.     M. Schneider, E. Shnaider, A. Kandel, G. Chew
Constructing Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 93, pp.161-172, 1998
19.     M. Schneider, E. Shnaider, A. Kandel
Fuzzy Measure for Similarity of Numerical Vectors
Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Economics,
No. 1, Vol. II, pp. 17-38, May 1997.
20.     T. Slonim, M. Schneider
Constructing Fuzzy Case-Based Reasoning Systems
Journal of Fuzzy Sets and AI, Vol. 5, pp. 17-25, 1996.
21. M. Schneider, E. Shnaider, A. Kandel and A. Chew
      Automatic Construction of FCMs,
      Fuzzy Sets and Systems,
      Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 161-172, 1998.
22.     Naresh S Iyer, Abraham Kandel and Moti Schneider
Feature-based Fuzzy Classification for Information of Mammograms
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 114, pp. 271 – 280, 2000
23.     O.Yaniv and M. Schneider
Synthesis of adaptive linear-time-invariant controllers by fuzzy logic controllers.
Special issue – Fuzzy Sets and Systems, (106)1, pp. 75-83, 1999
24.     T. Slonim, M. Schneider
Design Issues in Fuzzy Case-Based Reasoning
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, (117) pp. 251 – 267, 2001.
25.     M. Schneider
Using Fuzzy Logic to Understand Documents
Journal for Intelligent Systems (submitted)
25.  M. Bahat, G. Inbar, O. Yaniv and M. Schneider
Fuzzy Irrigation Controller System
International Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (accepted)
26.   M. Schneider
        Fuzzy Systems and Linguistic Variables
        Fuzzy Sets and Systems (submitted)
27.   R. Koren and M. Schneider
        Using Parallel Architecture for Fuzzy Inferencing
        Journal of Information Science and Technology, (1999), num. 4, vol. 2, pp. 339 – 356
28.   E. Shnaider and M. Schneider
        Heuristic Significance Test for Economic Modeling
        Fuzzy Economic Review (2001), Volume V, Number 2, pp. 49 – 69.
29.     M. Schneider, A. Kandel, and H. Bunke
Using Fuzzy Logic to Match Strings in Documents
International Journal of Intelligent Systems
Vol. 16, pp. 609-619, 2001.
30.    J. Lambert, A. Kandel and M. Schneider
         An Overview of Techniques for Genetic Evolution of Fuzzy Systems
         Fuzzy Economic Review, 2003.
31.     Z. Ding, H. Bunke, M. Schneider, A. Kandel
        Fuzzy Timed Petri Net Definitions, Properties and Applications
        Mathematic and Computer Modelling,
        Vol. 41, pp. 345 – 360, 2005
32.     Q. Song, A. Kandel, M. Schneider
Parameterized Fuzzy Operators in Fuzzy Decision Making
International Journal of Intelligent Systems
Vol. 18, pp. 971-987, 2003.
33.     M. Schneider
Fuzzy Systems with Discrete Fuzzy Variables
International Journal of Intelligent Systems (accepted)
34.     A. Semo and M. Schneider
       Fast Approach to Discover Associations in Databases
System man and Cybernatics (accepted)
35.     Z. Ding, H. Bunke, M. Schneider, A. Kandel
Petri nets
        Mathematic and Computer Modelling,
        Vol. 43, pp. 385 – 400, 2006
36.   A. Shragai , D. Tamir, M. Schneider and  A. Kandel
Continuous Method with improved accuracy for Discovering Quantitative Association Rules in Databases
SMC, 2009
37.   A. Shragai , D. Tamir, M. Schneider and  A. Kandel
        Fast Approach to Discover Associations in Databases
        Fuzzy Economic modeling, 2009
1.    A. Kandel, M. Schneider
       Fuzzy Sets and their Applications to Artificial Intelligence
       in Advances in Computers, M.C. Yovitz (ed)
       Vol.28, 1988 (pp.69-105)
2.    R.A. Morris, P.S. Bodduluri, M. Schneider
       Natural Language Interference to an AI Development tool for Reasoning with Uncertainty
       in Computational Intelligence II, F. Gardin, G. Mauri, M. Filippini (eds)
       North-Holland, 1990
3.    M. Schneider, A. Kandel
       General Purpose Fuzzy Expert Systems in Fuzzy Expert Systems, A. Kandel (ed)
       CRC, 1992, pp.23-41
4.    M. Schneider, J.M. Perl, A. Kandel
       COMEX – An Autonomous Expert System for Communication
       in Fuzzy Expert Systems, A. Kandel (ed)
       CRC Press, 1992 (pp.291-304)
5.    J. D’souza, M. Schneider
       Learning System for Grammars and Lexicons
       in Intelligent Hybrid Systems, A. Kandel, G. Langholz (eds)
       CRC Press, 1992 (pp.49-69)
6.    A. Kandel, M. Schneider, G. Langholz
       The Use of Fuzzy Logic for the Management of Uncertainty Hybrid Systems
       in Uncertainty Management  in Expert Systems, L. Zadeh, J Kacprzyk (eds)
       John Wiley & Sons, 1992 (pp.569-587)
7.    E. McDuffie, E. Shnaider, F. Bouni, M. Schneider
       On the Use  of Temporal Relations in Expert Systems for Scheduling
       EXPERSYS-92, A. Attia, et al (eds)
       1992 (pp.503-508)
8.    M. Schneider, A. Kandel, G. Langholz, G. Chew
       Preprocessing Fuzzy Production Rules, in “Soft Computing,” pp. 109-120,
        Editors:  F. Aminzadeh and M. Jamshidi,
        Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1994.
9.    M. Schneider, A. Kandel
       Properties of the Fuzzy Expected Value and the Fuzzy Expected Interval in Fuzzy Environment
       in Readings in Fuzzy Sets for Intelligent Systems, M. Kaufmann (pp.258-264) of
       Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.28, 1993 (pp.55-68)
10.  L. Davis, J. Hozier, M. Schneider, W. Shoaff
       The Detection of Fuzzy Repetitive Patterns  in
       Long Strings with Applications to Microsatellite Mapping
       SCRI, 1994
11.  M. Schneider, A. Kandel and G. Langholz
       Autonomous Fuzzy Intelligent Systems for Image Processing,
       in “Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing,” pp. 75-83,
       Editors:  B. Bouchon-Meunier, R. R. Yager and L. A. Zadeh, World Scientific, Singapore, 1995.
12.  E. McDuffie, M. Schneider
       Using Scheduling in Flexible Manufacturing Systems
       Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
13.  A. Kandel, M. Schneider, G. Langholz
       Autonomous Fuzzy Intelligent Systems for Image Processing
       in Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing, B. Bouchon-Meuneir, R.R. Yager, L.A. Zadeh (eds)
       World Scientific, Singapore, 1995 (pp.75-83)
14.  M. Schneider, A. Kandel
       FAES – Fault Analysis Expert System
       in Fuzzy Sets and Possibility Theory in Reliability and Safety Analysis
       T. Onisawa, J. Kacprzyk (eds)
       Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, 1995 (pp.142-149)
15.  E. McDuffie, F. Buoni, M. Schneider, E. Shnaider, and L. Martin-Vega
       Scheduling and Temporal Dependent Interval Calculus
       in Intelligent Scheduling of Robots and Flexible Manufacturing Systems
       E. Levner (eds)
       CTEH Press, 1996 (pp.183-190)
16.  E. Shnaider and M. Schneider
       Soft Regression – A Data Mining Tool
       In Data Mining and Computational Intelligence
       A. Kandel, et. al. (eds)
       Physica-Verlag Publishing
17.   Y. Komem and M. Schneider
       On the use of fuzzy logic in data mining.
       In handbook of Data Mining
       O. Maimon, et. al. (eds)
18.   Y. Komem and M. Schneider
       A fuzzy procedure for knowledge discovery and classification of data.A fuzzy procedure for knowledge discovery and classification of data.
       In handbook of Data Mining
       O. Maimon, et. al. (eds)
1.    M. Schneider, W. Bandler, A. Kandel
       The FESIP Expert System
       Proceedings of NAFIPS 1985 Workshop on Fuzzy Expert Systems and Decision Support
       Atlanta, Georgia, 1985
2.    M. Schneider, A. Kandel
       On the Theory of Fuzzy Expected Intervals and their Applicability to Fuzzy Expert Systems
       Proceedings of the International Symposium on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Engineering
       Guangzhou Guiyang, China, 1987 (pp.116-123)
3.    M. Schneider, M. Friedman, A. Kandel
       On Fuzzy Reasoning in Expert Systems
       Proceedings of the 1987 International Symposium on Multiple-valued Logic
       Boston, USA, 1987 (pp.70-74)
4.    M. Friedman, M. Schneider, A. Kandel
       FIDES – Fuzzy Intelligent Differential Equation Solver
       Proceedings of the 1987 Conference on Expert Systems and their Applications
       Avignon, France, 1987 (pp.551-569)
5.    M. Schneider, A. Kandel
       COFESS – Cooperative Fuzzy Expert Systems for Intelligent Recognition on Small Computers
       1988 ACM Symposium on Personal and Small Computers
       Cannes, France, 4-6 May 1988 (pp.114-125)
6.    M. Schneider, M. Friedman, A. Kandel
       The Use of Fuzzy Relations in Pattern Recognition
       IEEE 1988 International Conference on Systems Man & Cybernetics
       Beijing & Shenyang, China, 8-12 August 1988 (pp.66-69)
7.    M. Schneider, D. Schwartz, A. Kandel
       Fuzzy Expert Systems for Pattern Recognition
       7th Annual Conference of NAFIPS ‘88
       San Francisco, California, 8-10 June 1988 (pp.206-210)
8.    A. Kandel, M. Friedman, M. Schneider, J. Perl
       An Intelligent Graphic System (IGS) for Automatic Grid Generation in a
       Differential Equation Solver
       The International Conference on Computer Graphs (ICONCG 88)
       Singapore, 15-16 September 1988 (pp.119-129)
9.    M. Schneider, A. Kandel
       On the Use of Cooperative Fuzzy Expert Systems in Robotics
       International Symposium and Exposition on Robots,
       Sydney, Australia, 6-10 November 1988
10.  J.M. Perl, A. Kandel, M. Schneider
       Data Transmission and Network Management via an Expert System
       International Conference on Communication Systems
       Singapore, 31 October – 3 November 1988
11.  J.M. Perl, A. Kandel, M. Schneider
       An Autonomous Communication Controller
       International Computer Science Conference: AI, Theory and Application
       Hong Kong, 1988 (pp.611-616)
12.  M. Schneider, R. Morris, J. Newman
       GEST – General Expert Systems Tools
       IASTED International Symposium on Expert Systems Theory and Applications
       Zurich, Switzerland, 26-28 June 1989 (pp.131-133)
13.  A. Kandel, J.M. Perl, M. Schneider
       On the Applicability of Knowledge-Based Systems in Communication
       4th Israel Conference of Computer Systems Engineering and Software
       Tel-Aviv, Israel, 5-6 June 1989
14.  J.M. Perl, M. Schneider, A. Kandel
       COMEX – A Communication Expert System
       ICESEA ‘89, China, October 1989
15.  D. Berlin, M. Schneider
       Rule Based Expert Systems which Learn to Solve Problems Quicker
       6th Israeli Conference on AI and Computer Vision
       Ramat Gan, Israel, December 1989 (pp.497-513)
16.  R. Morris, P. Bodduluri, M. Schneider
       A Natural Language Interface to an AI Development Tool for Reasoning with Uncertainty
       The International Symposium on Computational Intelligence ‘89
       Milano, Italy, 25-29 September 1989
17.  F. Buoni, M. Schneider, B. Cornett
       Comparison of Performance for Fuzzy Expert System Shell Implementations in Pascal and in ADA
       5th Annual Conference AIDA 89
       Reston, Virginia, 16-17 November, 1989 (pp.51-62)
18.  W. Elliott, M. Schneider
       Fault Finder: A PC Based Expert System
       The 1990 ACM Symposium on Personal and Small Computers
       Arlington, Virginia, 28-30 March 1990 (pp.13-23)
19.  W. Elliott, M. Schneider
       The Fault Finder Expert System
       The 1990 IEEE Southeastcon
       New Orleans, USA, 1-4 April 1990 (pp.764-769)
20.  D. Tamir, R. Morris, M. Schneider
       An Architecture for Rule-Based Knowledge Representation and Parallel Inferencing
       Flairs-90, Cocoa Beach, 3-6 April 1990 (pp.245-249)
21.  D. Berlin, M. Schneider
       Evaluation of the Learning Process in a Self-Adaptive Expert System
       Flairs-90, Cocoa Beach, 3-6 April 1990 (pp.164-167)
22.  R. Joshi, M. Schneider
       Knowledge Representation in Fuzzy Relational Databases
       Flairs-90, Cocoa Beach, 3-6 April 1990 (pp.122-126)
23.  H. Lim, M. Schneider
       Implementation of Reduced Matrices in Knowledge Representation
       Flairs-90, Cocoa Beach, 3-6 April 1990 (pp.112-116)
24.  W. Elliott, M. Schneider
       Learning Aspects of the Fault Finder Expert System
       20th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic
       Charlotte, USA, 23-25 May 1990 (pp.378-385)
25.  M. Schneider, D. Clark, A. Kandel
       On the Matching Process in Fuzzy Expert Systems
       3rd International IPMU Conference
       Paris, France 2-6 July 1990 (pp.46-48)
26.  E. Shnaider, M. Schneider
       Expert System for Economic Analysis
       3rd International IPMU Conference
       Paris, France 2-6 July 1990 (pp.128-130)
27.  M. Wheller, M. Schneider
       Automatic Knowledge Acquisition for Expert Systems
       1990 Symposium on Applied Computing
       Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA, 5-6 April 1990 (pp.96-101)
28.  A. Kandel, M. Schneider, G. Langholz
       Collision Arbitration using Fuzzy Hybrid Intelligent System
       IFSA 1991
       Brussels, Belgium, 7-12 July 1991 (pp.97-100)
29.  M. Wheeler, M. Schneider
       Input Validation for AUTOKNAQ: Knowledge Acquisition System
       1991 International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
       Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, 13-16 October 1991 (pp.1883-1888)
30.  E. DeRouin, J. Brown, H. Beck, L. Fausett, M Schneider
       Neural Network Training on Unequally Represented Classes
       ANNIE 91, Florida, USA, 10-12 November 1991
31.  M. Wheeler, M. Schneider
       AUTOKNAQ: Automatic Knowledge Acquisition for Fault Isolation Expert Systems
       1992 Symposium on Applied Computing, Kansas, USA, 1-3 March 1992 (pp.387-395)
32.  M. Schneider, E. Shnaider, A. Kandel
       Parallel Pattern Recognition using Fuzzy Cooperative Expert Systems
       1992 Symposium on Applied Computing,
        Kansas City, Kansas, 1-3 March 1992 (pp.377-386)
33.  A. Kandel, G. Langholz, M. Schneider
       Uncertainty Management in Hybrid Systems with Applications to Image Processing
       IPMU 92, Palma de Mallorca, 6-10 July 1992
34.  A. Kandel, G. Langholz, M. Schneider
       Uncertainty Reasoning in Intelligent Hybrid System, Proceedings of the International Federation of Automatic Control Symposium “Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications,”
       Beijing, P.R. China, August 23-25, 1992.
35.  A. Kandel, G. Langholz, M. Schneider
       Artificial Fuzzy Neural Networks and their Applications to Intelligent Robot Control Systems
       IFAC/LSS,  Beijing, China, 23-25 August 1992
36.  M. Schneider, A. Kandel
       On Uncertainty Management in Fuzzy Inference Procedures
       1st International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Technology
       Durham, NC, 14-18 October (1992) (Invited Paper)
37.  D. Wagman, M. Schneider, A. Kandel, E. Shnaider, G. Langholz
       On the Use of Logical Relations in Expert Systems
       9th Israeli Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision
       Tel-Aviv, Israel, 28-29 December 1992 (pp.73-83)
38.  A. Kandel, G. Langholz, M. Schneider
       Hybrid Tools in Intelligent Control,
       Proceedings of the Fifth International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress ’93,
       Seoul, Korea,
       pp. 1297-1300, July 4-9, 1993.
39.  M. Schneider, A Kandel, G. Langholz, G. Chew
       Preprocessing Fuzzy Production Rules
       IEEE-FUZZ, San Francisco, 29 March – 2 April 1993 (Invited Paper)
40.  G. Chew, M. Schneider, A. Kandel
       Use of Object Oriented Structures to Represent Knowledge in Expert Systems
       SAC 93, Indianapolis, Indiana, 14-16 February 1993 (pp.498-503)
41.  R. Weiss, D. Tamir, M. Schneider
       Lazy Task Creation in Parallel Prolog Interpretation
       FLAIRS 93, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 18-21 April 1993 (pp.269-273)
42.  E. Shnaider, P. Hurtado, M. Schneider
       Expert Systems for Economic – Business Forecasting
       SAC 93, Indianapolis, Indiana, 14-16 February 1993 (pp.511-516)
43.  A. Kandel, G. Langholz, M. Schneider
       Fuzzy Intelligent Hybrid System Application to Routing Control in Telecommunication Networks
       ISUMA-93, Maryland, USA, 25-28 April 1993
44.  S. Thiebaux, J. Hertzberg, W. Shoaff, M. Schneider
       A Stochastic Model of Actions and Plans for Anytime Planning under Uncertainty
       7th Workshop on Planning and Configuration, Germany 1993
45.  R. Weiss, D. Tamir, M. Schneider
       Efficient Resource Allocation for Parallel Prolog Interpretation
       IAICV-93, Tel-Aviv, Israel 1993
46.  S. Thiebaux, J. Hertzberg, W. Shoaff, M. Schneider
       A Stochastic Model of Action and Plans for Anytime Planning under Uncertainty
       EEWSP ‘93, France 1993
47.  G. Chew, M Schneider, A. Kandel
       Designing Fuzzy Inference Procedures
       2nd World Congress on Expert Systems, Lisbon, Portugal 1994 (invited paper)
48.  E. McDuffie, M. Schneider, W. Shoaff, F. Buoni, E. Shnaider
       Combining an Expert System with Temporal Scheduling
       FLAIRS ‘94, Florida, USA 1994
49.  D. Wood, M. Schneider
       Fuzzy Expert System Control for Naval Helicopters
       FUZZ-IEEE, Florida, USA 1994
50.  A. Kandel, M. Schneider, G. Langholz
       Autonomous Fuzzy Intelligent Systems for Image Processing
       IPMU-94, Paris, France 1994
49.  S. Josephson, M. Schneider, D. Tamir
       A Fuzzy Expert System Tool used for the Analysis of Musical Timbers
       NAFIPS 94, San Antonio, Texas, 1994
50.  A. Kandel, M. Schneider
       Fuzzy Intelligent Hybrid Systems and their Applications
       IEEE-FUZZ, Japan 1995 (pp.2271-2280) (Invited Paper)
51.  M. Schneider, E. Shnaider, A. Kandel, G. Chew
       Constructing Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
       IEEE-FUZZ, Japan 1995 (pp.2281-2288) (Invited Paper)
52.  S. Josephson, M. Schneider, D. Tamir
       Musical Timbre Recognition using a  Fuzzy Expert System Tool
       FLAIRS-95, Florida, USA 1995 (pp.47-51)
53.  A. Abershitz, B. Geninson, R. Elbeze, A. Kandel, R. Granot, M. Schneider
       Using Fuzzy Logic in Resource Management
       15th SME, Israel, 1995
54.  A. Abershitz, B. Geninson, R. Elbeze, A. Kandel, R. Granot, M. Schneider
       Using Fuzzy  Logic in Resource Allocation
       3rd World Congress on Expert System, pp. 742-747
        Seoul, Korea, 1996
55.  A. Kandel, M. Schneider
       Management of Uncertainty in Cooperative Fuzzy Expert System
       Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering
Dalian, R.R. China, 1995 (pp.21 – 26)
56.  T. Slonim, M. Schneider
A New Approach to Similarity Measures in Case-Based Reasoning
Zichron Yaakov, Israel
57.  O. Yaniv, M. Schneider
New Approach to FLC for Backing up Tracks
Zichron Yaakov, Israel
58.   E. Shnaider and M. Schneider
 Fuzzy Tools for Economic Modeling
 SIGEF'98, Nov. 24-27, 1998
 Lausanne, Switzerland
59.   G. Dvir G. Langholz and M. Schneider
 Matching Attributes in a Fuzzy Case Based Reasoning
 NAFIPS, June. 10-12, 1999
60. Komem, J. and Schneider, M., 1999, "A Fuzzy Decision Support System for Rating Potential
      Customers  and Business Partners", Proceedings 3rd International Data Analysis Symposium,
      17 September 1999, Aachen, Germany.
61. M. Schneider and G. Langholz
      Capturing Documents with Fuzzy Logic
      IPMU 2000, July 3-7, 2000
      Madrid, Spain
62. E. Shnaider and M. Schneider
      Mining with Soft Regression
      NAFIPS, July 13-15, 2000
      Atlanta, GA USA
63. A. Shragai and M. Schneider
      Discovering quantatative associations in databases
      NAFIPS, July 24-29, 2001
      Vancouver, BC Canada
64. A. Shragai and M. Schneider
      Continuous method for discovering quantitative association rules in databases
      IPMU, July 1-5, 2002
      Lac Annacy, France
65.  Y. Komem and M. Schneider
       Knowledge Discovery and Classifiability of data a systematic fuzzy and deterministic procedure
       Eunite, 10/2002
        Lisbon, Portugal
66. M. Friedman, M. Schneider, et. al
      Using Fuzzy logic to cluster web documents.
      NAFIPS, 2004
      Bunf, Canada
67.  M. Friedman, M. Schneider, et. al
       A New Approach for Fuzzy Clustering of Web Documents
       IEEE-Fuzzy, 2004
       Budapest, Hungary
68. Yuval Elovici, Abraham Kandel, Mark Last, Bracha Shapira, Omer Zaafrany, Moti Schneider,
      Menahem Friedman:
      Terrorist Detection System.
      PKDD 2004: 540-542
69.  Yuval Elovici, Bracha Shapira, Mark Last, Omer Zaafrany, Menahem Friedman, Moti Schneider,
       Abraham Kandel:
       Content-Based Detection of Terrorists Browsing the Web Using an Advanced Terror Detection System
       (ATDS). ISI 2005: 244-255
70. A. Semo and M. Schneider,
      Applications of fuzzy operators to expert systems
      IPMU2006, pp. 122 – 126.
71. G. Danon, M. Schneider, M. Last, M. Litvak, A. Kandel
     An Apriori – like algorithm for extracting fuzzy association rules between keyphrases in text documents.
     IPMU2006, pp. 731 – 738.
1.    M. Schneider, B. Elliott  (Harris Corporation)
       Fault Finder Expert System
       Patent No.5214653
Period (dates)
Name of Institution
(city,country )
Florida State University, USA
Computer Science
Teaching Assistant
Florida State University, USA
Computer Science
Research Assistant
Spring/Summer 1988
Florida State University, USA
Computer Science
Visiting Assistant Professor
Fall 1988
Florida Institute of Technology, USA
Computer Science
Assistant Professor
Sept. 1991-Aug. 1992
CECOM Fort Monmouth, NJ, USA
Artificial Intelligence
Research Fellow
Fall 1992
Florida Institute of Technology, USA
Computer Science
Associate Professor
Fall 1993
University of South Florida, USA
Computer & Elec. Eng.
Appointed to Graduate Faculty
Oct. 1994 – Oct. 1999
Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Electrical Engineering
Visiting Professor
Special advisor
Oct. 1994 – Oct. 1995
Israeli Aircraft Industries, Israel
Artificial Intelligence
Special Advisor
Nov. 1996- Apr. 1999
Center of Technology, Holon, Israel
Computer Systems
Department Head
Oct. 2000
Natanya Academic College
Computer Science
Associate Prof.
Intro to Computer Science
Intro to AI
Data Structures
Expert Systems
Fuzzy Logic
Operating Systems
Applications of Fuzzy Logic
Automata Theory
Nueral Networks
Genetic Algorithms
Discrete Math I and II
Pattern Reconition
Data Mining
     (prizes, fellowships, grants, scholarships, etc.)
Name of Institution (city,country )
Grant for Space Application for ADA
6.- 8.1990
Florida Center for Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, USA
Grant for the Use of Expert Systems in Industry
Grant for Flight Trainer
Israeli Ministry of Defence, Israel
Grant for Using Fuzzy Logic for Military Applications
1.1.2000 – 31.12.01
Tel Aviv University
Research in Data Mining
Society (country)
Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers ((IEEE)
Association for Computer Machinery (ACM)
American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
Name of Student
Title of Thesis
Name of Academic Institution
Ernest McDuffie
Using Allen Temporal Algebra and Temporal Dependent Interval Calculus in Smart Scheduling for Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Florida Tech
Name of Student
Title of Thesis
Name of Academic Institution
William Elliott
Fault Finder – An Expert System to Implement Fault Isolation Decision using Fuzzy Logic and Learning Techniques
Florida Tech
Greg Hunter
An Intelligent System for Noise Removal for Scene Analysis in Digital Images
Florida Tech
Mark Wheeler
AUTONAQ – Automatic Knowledge Acquisition Tool for Fault Isolation Expert Systems
Florida Tech
David Berlin
An Expert System which Learns to Perform Quicker through Rule Base Optimization
Florida Tech
Adnan Zejnilovic
Fuzzy Expert Systems in the Textile Industry
Florida Tech
Ranjnish Joshi
Fuzzy Relational Database-II (FRDB-II)
Florida Tech
Hun Lim
A Skill Refinement Learning Model for Prioritized Rule Based Expert Systems
Florida Tech
Der Lum Tzeng
Fuzzy Chromosome Allocator
Florida Tech
Ulgen Figen
Conflict Resolution in Expert Systems
Florida Tech
Joaquim D’souza
Learning and Modification System for Grammars and Lexicons
Florida Tech
Inui Minoru
On the Use of Fuzzy Context-Sensitive Grammar  in Recognition of Imperfect Strings
Florida Tech
Sylvie Thiebaux
Anytime Reaction Planning in Probabilistic Logic
Florida Tech
Daniel Wagman
Mathematical Expression Evaluation in Fuzzy Expert Systems
Florida Tech
Ernest McDuffie
Scheduling, Temporal Reasoning, Expert Systems: A Functional Interface
Florida Tech
Gerard Chew
Designing Fuzzy Expert System Tools
Florida Tech
David Wood
Fuzzy Expert System Control for Naval Helicopters
Florida Tech
Susan Leonard
Automatic Seismic Event Formation using Fuzzy Expert Systems Approach
Florida Tech
Scott Josephson
Designing a Voice User Interface for a Fuzzy Expert System Tool (FEST)
Florida Tech
Israel Hizmi
Fuzzy Control System for Antennas
Tel-Aviv University
Danziger Yariv
Fuzzy Expert Systems for Pattern Recognition
Tel Aviv University
Tsvi Slonim
A New Approach to Case-Based Reasoning
Tel Aviv University
Tomer Gingold
Using Fuzzy Logic to Match Strings in Documents
Tel Aviv University
Rami Koren
Parallel Inferencing
   Tel Aviv University

מחלקות ומדורים


בתי ספר

קרנות הוקרה וסיוע – חרבות ברזל


המכללה האקדמית נתניה גאה בסטודנטיות ובסטודנטים המשרתים במילואים, המתנדבים בפעילויות השונות, העוסקים בפעולות הבטחון וההגנה השונות. בתקופה מאתגרת וכואבת זו, אנו עושים כל מה שביכולתנו על-מנת לאפשר לכם להתנהל בשגרת החרום.

בנוסף למפורט במתווה ההתאמות וההקלות לכלל הסטודנטים ולמשרתים במילואים ובכוחות הבטחון, מציעה המכללה אפיקי סיוע נוספים לסטודנטים:

מענק בסך 1,000 ש"ח לסטודנטיות ולסטודנטים שגויסו בצו 8 למילואים. המענק הועבר למשרתים אשר עדכנו אותנו. במידה וטרם עשית זאת – נודה לעדכון כאן.

קרן חירום ע"ש רחל עזריה ז"ל – הקרן מעניקה מלגות לסטודנטים משרתים במילואים שנקלעו לקשיים כלכליים וכן למי שהם או בני משפחתם נפגעו באופן ישיר מהלחימה. לצורך הגשת בקשה יש לפנות למדור מלגות במכללה [email protected]


שירות לסיוע נפשי–  כדי להקל על הקושי הרב הנובע מהאירועים הטרגיים שאנחנו עוברים, המכללה תממן 2 פגישות עם פסיכולוג.ית לכל סטודנט.ית הזקוק.ה לכך וכן תסבסד עוד 4 פגישות בהמשך בהתאם לצורך.

השירות ניתן על ידי מכון טריאס-שריג בעל נסיון רב בעבודה במוסדות אקדמיים.  פניות ניתן להתקשר למכון בימים אי-הי, בין השעות 8:00-17:00 בטלפון 03-6483102 או גם לכתוב מייל אל [email protected]

במקרים דחופים, ניתן להתקשר גם עד שעות הערב לטלפון 054-5317899. למידע נוסף לפנות למדור מלגות: [email protected] ;

מוקדי סיוע נפשי חיצוניים, דרכם ניתן לקבל תמיכה

*      הקו החם של עמותת ער"ן (עזרה ראשונה נפשית) בטלפון: 1201, שלוחה 6

*     סה"ר – סיוע והקשבה ברשת – ניתן לפנות אליהם בצ'אט דרך האתר שלהם

*      קו הסיוע והתמיכה של עמותת נט"ל (נפגעי טראומה 1-800-363-363


אנו מייחלים כי חג החנוכה יביא עמו אור גדול ובשורות טובות

הודעות לסטודנטים

בהתאם להוראות פיקוד העורף:

בהישמע אזעקה במכללה עליכם להגיע תוך דקה וחצי למרחבים המגונים או לגרמי המדרגות הקרובים ביותר, יש להתרחק מחלונות, תמונות ופתחים

ולהישאר במשך כעשר דקות לפחות במרחב המוגן.


להלן רשימת המקומות המגונים:


בניין 1:

קומת כניסה – חדר מורים ליד המעלית.

קומה 1 – ממ"ד סיפריה.

קומה 2 – אולפני טלוויזיה ליד המעלית.


 בניין 2:

גרמי המדרגות – הנמצאים בכל הקומות 0,1,2 {לרדת חצי קומה רחוק מהדלתות}

ממ"ד קומה 1- הרדיו 106 {קומת משרדים 1 -}


לשאלות נוספות ניתן לפנות למנהל הבטחון –   054-6929244

הודעות לסגל

תאריך:  18.10.2023 – דיור למפונים במעונות המכללה האקדמית נתניה

שלום רב,

חברת איסתא נכסים, המפעילה את מעונות הסטודנטים במכללה האקדמית נתניה החלה לשכן בשבוע שעבר, תושבים מאזור הדרום והצפון בחלק מחדרי המעונות.

מדובר על דירות סטודיו לזוגות על בסיס מקום פנוי.

כרגע הוקצו למעלה מ-20 דירות פנויות לטובת הפרויקט.

הדירות מאובזרות באופן מלא הכולל מקלחת ושירותים, מיזוג, טלוויזיה עם חיבור למחשב, מטבח ובו מיקרוגל, קומקום וכיריים חשמליים.

המגורים במעונות הינם בחינם לגמרי

יצוין לחיוב שיתוף הפעולה:

* הקהילה המקומית בקרית השרון אשר תרמה ציוד, מזון יבש חטיפים שמיכות כריות, טואלטיקה וכיו"ב.

* מאפיית לחם האופים שמסייעת גם אך לא רק בארוחות בוקר לדיירים אלה.

* הקולג'ים גם נתן לנו אפשרות להכניס את הדיירים בשעות מסוימות לבריכה ולמכון הכושר.

המעוניין להפנות משפחות מקו העימות למגורים במעונות או לסייע בתרומה של ציוד, מזון או כל דבר אחר, יפנה לשמואל לסרי מנהל מתחם המעונות בנייד 054-3261268 (אם אין מענה נא לשלוח וואטסאפ).

בע"ה יגיעו ימים טובים יותר וביחד ננצח.

שמואל לסרי
מנהל מתחם המעונות

תאריך:  12.10.2023

לידיעתכם : בשל המצב הבטחוני, כל הבחינות מוקפאות. נעדכן בהמשך לגבי המועדים החדשים. מאחלים לכולם ימים רגועים.

תאריך:  12.10.2023

בשלב זה לא מתקיימים לימודים ובחינות בקמפוס המכללה